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Period of Inactivity from 05/March/2022

Update on Southern Lakes English College

23 November 2021 

Important message to SLEC Students and Partners,

We are sorry to inform you that with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and the borders being closed, SLEC will not be accepting any enrolments until it is clear when the borders are open for International students. Therefore, SLEC will teach our current students until 4 March 2022, when classes will temporarily close.  


SLEC intends to be back to activity once New Zealand borders are announced to be reopening.  

Your student's academic progress is our top priority. We will work with you to ensure that your student will still meet their academic goals by 4 March 2022 or transit to another ESOL provider. 


Please note the following class changes: 


1.     From now to 17 December 2021, all classes will remain as they are. 

2.     From 10 January 2022 to 4 March 2022, SLEC will have the following classes: 

a.     For Invercargill: 

i.Academic English – Monday to Thursday – 9 am to 12 pm & 1 pm to 3 pm 

ii.General English – Monday to Thursday – 9 am to 12 pm & 1 pm to 3 pm 

b.     For Queenstown: 

i.Academic English – Monday to Friday – 8.30 am to 12.45 pm 

ii.General English – Monday to Friday – 8.30 am to 12.45 pm 

c.       For Online: 

i.Academic English Advanced– Tuesday to Friday -- 11 am to 1 pm 

ii.Academic English Lower – Tuesday to Friday – 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm 


3.     From 5 March 2022, SLEC will go into a period of inactivity. As a result, any current student with a finish date past that date will need to be postponed, cancelled or transferred to a different institution.

4.     Students offshore with future start dates can keep their enrolments active. There will be a back office from 5 March 2022. You can communicate with us through, but no amendments or enrolments will be made until the announcement of the borders open is made.


Zero Fee English Scholarship Students (Online or Face to face): 

1.     All scholarships will be honoured by SLEC and SIT when the borders reopen. 

2.     For online students - If your student cannot attend classes in the offered timetables, they will have the option to keep the remaining fees protected and keep their scholarship or ask for a refund of the unused portion of their fees. Their scholarship will not be held if they choose to be refunded. 


1.     All your student funds are kept with the Public Trust and are safe. However, if the student wishes to get a refund of the fees, please contact us at

2.     SLEC will work with you on claiming back any commissions that have been paid to you in advance in the event of a refund. 

Enrolments and Amendments: 

1.     SLEC will not be accepting any new enrolments and will not be undertaking any amendments during the period of inactivity.

We do sincerely apologise for this.

We are here for you and your students. If you have any further questions, please get in touch with  


SLEC acknowledges this is a challenging time for all concerned. We have reminded our mutual students that they have access to SIT's student counsellors at: | (03) 948 2878 

Ngā mihi nui 


Bharat Guha

CEO / Principal 

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